
Nanny Job in Altendorf

10 Tage alt

Angaben zum Job

Firma Babysits
Kategorie Kinderbetreuung
Pensum 5 - 20%
Einsatzort Altendorf


We are a family with twins in the first grad and a baby girl. We are looking for a friendly nanny who enjoys spending time with the kids, can bring the older ones to sports, and help us with the household chores. My husband and me work 100% and, hence, for us it is important that we can trust and rely on our helper. We are currently already employing a nanny and the kids are confident with her. But as she is starting her own family, she cannot work anymore for us. Now we are looking for a new friendly face in the house who helps our family running smoothly. We are looking forward to meeting you.


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